The Parramatta River Catchment Group has been awarded the National Stormwater Australia Award for Excellence in Strategic or Master Planning.

The Parramatta River Masterplan Duba, Budu, Barra, Ten Steps to a Living River was recognised as an exemplar plan that provides a comprehensive strategy, supported by evidence-based science, collaboration, cultural sensitivity and community decision making, which aims to deliver measurable and sustainable outcomes and benefits for the Parramatta River and its communities.

The judges noted  that ‘this is a a remarkable project linking a high-level liveability and nature-based performance goal, swimming in the Parramatta River, with a science based, holistic, practical and very meaningful masterplan. In order to achieve the performance goal the Parramatta river needs stormwater management, planning controls, sewer overflow management, community education, leadership and stakeholder engagement. Developed in close consultation with multiple communities and professional groups the ten-step plan demonstrates excellence in almost all the judging criteria. The application of the master plan in a monitoring program, catchment wide approach to reducing stormwater runoff, identifying 5 iconic species, standardising land use planning controls to promote at source stormwater management and a ‘Get the Site right’ campaign help demonstrate the breadth of the project. Where this project excelled over other excellent projects was that the success of the masterplan could be demonstrated by a series of completed initiatives including 4 established swimming sites along the river’.

If you would like further information on the Masterplan check out the website and the project Masterplan Dashboard measures and reports on the progress of each of the ten steps of the Masterplan.



Nadia Young, Nell Graham, Jasmine Payget from PRCG