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Parliamentary Enquiry Report No.52 – Ability of local governments to fund infrastructure and services

In late November, the NSW Parliament released a report about the ability of local governments to fund infrastructure and services. Read the report here. Recommendations include: That the NSW Government conduct a comprehensive review of the rate exemptions and concessions under the Local Government Act That the NSW Government redesign the local government rating system, […]

Funding Stormwater Management in NSW – seminar outcomes

In mid-November, nearly 40 people from across the stormwater industry came together at a half-day seminar at Sydney Water’s offices in Parramatta to discuss the state of stormwater funding in NSW. Participants heard from six speakers from consulting, government and an industry association on a variety of topics around stormwater funding. These included regulatory drivers […]

Workshop – guidance for assessing and managing flood risk

The updated Climate Change Considerations chapter of Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation (ARR) was released in August 2024 (view here). The update was delivered by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water in partnership with Engineers Australia and incorporates the latest peer-reviewed climate change science. DCCEW are running a series […]

It’s Get the Site Right blitz week

Following the successful May 2024 campaign where compliance rates rose to nearly 72% across more than 1,200 sites, it’s clear that NSW builders are making strides in implementing effective erosion and sediment controls. Now in its eighth year, the success of Get the Site Right is based on the PRCG’s strong partnerships with local councils, […]

Positions Vacant – Waterways roles at Sydney Water

If you are interested in joining Australia’s largest water utility, we are seeking mutlitple people to join our expanding Growth and Development team. If you have a passion for waterway management and want to work with others to see Sydney’s waterways thrive, please apply. Applications close 21st October. Waterways Lead – Sydney Water Waterways Senior […]

Webinar: the Government Architect; Designing with Country and cultural knowedge

When: Wednesday 2 October 2024, 1pm – 2pm Register here Connecting with Country – webinars | Planning (nsw.gov.au) Learn how to work with First Nations communities and their cultural knowledge when designing with Country and reawakening cultural landscapes. Understand the importance of First Nations cultural knowledge and how this knowledge can inform and influence design and […]

Webinar: The Green Economy and a nature positive approach for Australia

When : 16 September 2024, 2:00pm to 3:00pm AEST CSIRO invites you to this free webinar. Register here.  Nature has tremendous importance to the global economy, and organisations are increasingly being asked to take responsibility for their nature-related impacts and dependencies. Recent global ambition has embraced the concept of ‘nature positive’, but what does this […]

Webinar: A Tale of Two Rivers Reviving our Cities’ Iconic Waterways

Tue, 24 Sep, 7pm – 8pm AEST Get your free ticket here  Are you passionate about transforming urban landscapes and breathing new life into our rivers? Join us for this free, inspiring webinar that dives deep into the global movement to make urban rivers swimmable once again – and discover how local efforts are making […]

Have your say on a new national water agreement

Earlier this year the Australian Government invited community members and stakeholders with an interest in water resource planning and management to have a say on the development of a new national water agreement. The response from the NSW water sector was strong, and the feedback has helped to refine the proposed objectives and outcomes of the […]

Have you checked out the WSUD Maintenance Compliance Framework?

Stormwater NSW is a proud supporter of the framework for Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Maintenance Compliance. The framework can be accessed at wsudcompliance.com.au. The site has information, resources, and tools that local governments can use to support the implementation of compliance programs that improve the maintenance of WSUD systems. If you are interested in […]