“Of Leadership and Labradoodles: Do troubling times warrant a new breed of leader?”
Millions of dollars and countless hours spent on executive coaching, professional image consultants, corporate training courses, seminars, webinars, conferences books and blogs… yet we still suffer a vacuum of leadership. What are we doing wrong? What are we missing? Is it really worth trying to train someone to become something they are not – even if at first, they ‘look the part’?
Join Maureen Thurston-Chartaw, Chief Experience Officer for Aurecon, on Wednesday 7th October at 12 noon (AEST) to discuss an issue that touches all those who manage teams.

Should you have any questions or require any assistance please contact GEMS Event Management Australia on +61 2 9744 5252 or email registration@gemsevents.com.au.


Maureen Thurston

Chief Experience Officer @Aurecon

Maureen’s 40-year career as an industrial designer has spanned the globe, multiple industries and creative disciplines. Her diverse background as an entrepreneur, educator and consultant has manifested itself into her current role as the world’s first Chief Experience Officer (CXO) for an engineering firm – quite possibly the first CXO in any of the big-4 professional service firms today. Maureen has been with AsiaPac based Engineering and Advisory company Aurecon, since 2015. Before being promoted to CXO Maureen, she led the company’s Design to Innovate program – part of Aurecon’s Future Ready, by design strategy – by embedding the mindset and methods of design as a catalyst to foster innovation, reframe culture transformation and reinforce Aurecon’s brand promise to ‘Bring ideas to life’. Maureen joined Aurecon from Deloitte where she implemented design principles and practices to help transform the traditional, Australian audit/accounting firm into an award-winning innovator.