As part of the 2016-2020 review of Sydney Water’s prices, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) introduced a new low impact charge for stand-alone, residential stormwater properties. This new charge seeks to reward customers who have made significant investment in reducing their stormwater impact.

The charge came into effect on 1 July 2017 and is around $23.40 a year (instead of around $75 a year) which is the same amount paid by people living in apartments.

Residential customers who live in a declared stormwater catchment are eligible to apply. This excludes customers in the Rouse Hill stormwater catchment, which is subject to a separate stormwater charge.

The eligibility criteria, application and assessment process for the new charge was developed in consultation with Sydney Water’s  Customer Council. Sydney Water’s technical staff developed a target based on the percentage retention of mean annual runoff from impervious surfaces of a property via rainwater tanks and infiltration systems.

The measures implemented by customers will reduce annual runoff volumes and loads (and the associated impacts on receiving environments) and could reduce the amount of sediments discharged into the stormwater network.

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