Please find below the Conference Papers from the 2015 Stormwater NSW Conference.
Extended Abstract: Assessing the Potential Cost Saving Benefits of Floating Wetland Treatment Systems
Damion MacDonald, Christopher Walker and Terry Lucke
Extended Abstract: Centralised Water Harvesting in High Density Suburbs of Melbourne for Drinking
Karina Mills, David Hamlyn-Harris andĀ Francis Pamminger
Extended Abstract: SQID Function and Performance in SEQ – Lessons Learnt Over the Past Five Years
Damian McCann, Mark Bayley and Jesse Munro
Extended Abstract: Assessing the Performance of Stormwater Treatment Systems in the Field
Alexa McAuley and David Knights
Extended Abstract: Sydney Park Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse Project – A New Benchmark for WSUD
David Knights, Mike Horne, Adam Hunter, Scott Ibbotson, Mia Dalby-Ball and Jenny Turpin
Extended Abstract: Creating Habitat through WSUD
David Knights and Andrew McMilan
Extended Abstract: Getting our Ducks in a Row: Taking it From the Top of the Duck River
Rebecca Bell and David Knights
Extended Abstract: Outcomes from Australian Rainfall Runoff (ARR) that will Benefit the Urban Water Sector
Mark Babister, James Ball and Monique Retallick
Is WSUD Implementation Really Worth It? – Using Ecosystem Service Values to Determine the Cost Benefit of Improved Stormwater Management
Tony Webber, Brad Dalrymple, Adrian Volders and Jocelyn Dela-Cruz
Life on Mars: Using Micro-Topographic Relief to Secure Soil, Water and Biocapacity
Peter R. Stevens, Professor Tim Roberts and Dr Steven Lucas
Developing Design Curves for Rainwater Harvesting in Greater Sydney
Cameron Snook, Ataur Rahman, Marlene van der Sterren, Md Mahmudul Haque and Evan Hajani
The Influence of Vegetation Selection on the Infiltration Capacity of Stormwater Biofiltration Systems
T. Pham, E. G. Payne, T. D. Fletcher and B. E. Hatt
Bribie Lakes: A Case Study in using Floating Wetland Treatment Systems to Treat Urban Runoff
Michael Nielsen, Christopher Walker, Darren Drapper and Terry Lucke
Investigating the Performance of WSUD Assets in Relation to Design, Construction and Maintenance Practices
Maria Victoria Matamala and Niranjali Jayasuriya
Field Evaluation of Hydrology Performance of Established Bioretention Cells Receiving Street Drainage
Terry Lucke and Peter Nichols
Climatic Variability of Potential Rainwater Savings: A Case Study for Adelaide
Monzur Alam Imteaz, Upendra Paudel and Shirley Gato-Trinidad
Characterisation of Stormwater Pollutants from Various Catchment Types in South-East Queensland
Dr Darren Drapper and Dr Terry Lucke
Retrofitting Raingardens: Understanding Context and Satisfaction to Guide Streetscape Change
Meredith Frances Dobbie
Resolving Boundary Conditions in Economic Analysis of Distributed Solutions for Water Cycle Management
Peter J Coombes, Michael Smit and Garth MacDonald
A Systems Framework of Big Data for Analysis of Policy and Strategy
Peter J. Coombes and Michael Barry
Transitioning Drainage into Urban Water Cycle Management
P. J. Coombes
Development of a Rapid Bio-Filtration Media Using Local Materials
Dr John Cheah, Michael Hannah and Dr Robyn Simcock
Integrated Water Management: Assessing the Capacity Needs of the Victorian Water Industry
Katia Bratieres and Emily Phillips
Liveability and an Urban Creek: Perspectives and Dreams of Residents Who Are Not Yet
Phillip Birtles, Alan Hoban, Carl Tippler, Ben Shoo, Peter Davies and Ian Wright
Heavy Metals in Stormwater Biofilter Media: Will They Become a Management Issue?
Mohammed Al-Ameri, Belinda Hatt, Tim Fletcher, Sebastien Le Coustumer and Ana Deletic
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of WSUD Assets After Construction in a Growth Council
Phillip Thompson and Hugh Williamson
Parsley Bay Catchment Stormwater Harvesting Projects
Hugh Williamson, Rod Ward, Lars Herngren, Jeff Hill, Chris Munro, Emma Hawkins, Renni Pitkanen, Rex Sullings, Rohan Last and Craig Robson
Assessing Riparian Vegetation and Creek Channel Condition in a Rapidly Changing Urban Space: A Case Study from Blacktown LGA
Michael Dean, Carl Tippler and Natalie Payne
Glenbrook Lagoon Restoration – From Aquatic Weeds to Raingardens
Geoffrey Smith, Amy St Lawrence and Christina Day
Advanced Permanent Erosion Control with Pyramid Structured Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs) using X3 Fibre Technology
Amir Shahkolahi, Jason Crase and Raymond Chow
A Systematic Stormwater Literature Review
Beth Sargent
Investing in What Matters, Embedding Community Values into Decision Making
Natalie Quinn and Sally Armstrong
Auditing Shows Up Mistakes of the Past: Please Don’t Repeat!
Murray Powell and Simon Weaver
How Robust are On-Site Detention (OSD) and On-Site Retention (OSR) Systems?
Dr Brett C. Phillips and Stephen Yu
Approaches for Assessing the Flood Impacts of Development during the Strategic Planning Phase
Dr Brett C. Phillips and Sabina Lohani
Water Sensitive Urban Design on the Line
Andrew O’Neill, Kristy Gooding, Amalie Wright and AlanĀ Hoban
Ecosystem Services from Soil
Declan McDonald
What Should it Cost to Maintain Stormwater Treatment Systems? A Case Study from ACT
Alexa McAuley and David Knights
Using Relevant Parametres in Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Design
Rob Loch and Wayne Walshe
On-site verses off-site – The Business Case for Stormwater Treatment in Infill Areas in Blacktown
Mark Liebman, Natalie Payne and John Molteno
The Use and Verification of Micro Bioretention Systems in the United States
James H. Lenhart and Mindy Hills
Stormwater Management Using Natural Biofiltration Systems to Rehabilitate a Degraded Urban Stream: Popes Glen, Blackheath, Blue Mountains, Australia
Alan Lane, Eric Mahony and Geoffrey Smith
Stormwater Reuse to Mitigate Impacts from Increased Runoff Frequency and Volume
Emma James, Peter Breen and Dale Browne
Passive Watering of Landscapes for Stormwater Treatment: Design and Modelling Guidelines
Courtney Henderson, Justine Kinch and Ben Newell
Working with Councils to Achieve Best Practice Stormwater Management in the Sydney Catchment Area
Shireen Baguely and Kristy Good
Stormwater Quality Offsets, an Alternative Pathway to H2olistic Integration?
Paul Dubowski and Emma O’Neill
Physical Model Testing of Low Flow Bypass Pits for Water Sensitive Urban Roads
C. Drummond, B. Miller and R. Parcell
Lessons Learnt from Designing and Constructing a $4 million Stormwater Harvesting Scheme
Craig Bush and Mark Leibman
Enabling Waterway Health and Liveability in Sydney
Dan Cunningham, Richard McManus and Phillip Birtles