Date: Wednesday, 23 March 2022
Time: 1:00pm AEST
Format: 90mins special panel event
Cost: Free
Register here
February and March 2022 have seen some of the highest rainfall intensities ever recorded in New South Wales and Queensland, Australia.
These current extreme events are having devastating effects on communities and may have large implications for the Australian water sector going forward.
To gain an understanding of what these implications may be we invite you to join us for a free 90mins discussion event, where a panel of industry experts — aided by detailed analyses of the recent IFD data — will discuss flood modelling and project planning implications, including:
• How the incorporation of current extreme intensities will affect future Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IFD) estimates?
• What is a likely timeframe for current data to be incorporated into usable IFD curves?
• Is it wise for practitioners to manually adjust estimates with frequency analyses in the meantime?
• What were the lessons learned from the 2011 floods and have they been successfully implemented?
• How is the inherent uncertainty in rare rainfall estimation being conveyed to planners?
• How can analyses of current events be used to improve flood resilience?
Mark Babister
Mark is a national leader in floodplain management and analysis. Mark has successfully completed numerous hydrologic, hydraulic, floodplain management, infrastructure and dam studies. Mark’s clear, … Read more
Bryson Bates
Bryson has 30 year of experience in applied climate science. His experience covers the impact of climate on surface water resources and climate and weather extremes. He was a lead author of three IPCC… Read more
Janice Green
Bureau of Meteorology
Janice Green is the Manager of the Water Reporting Team at the Bureau of Meteorology with responsibilities for the publication of the Water Program’s reports including the National Water Account; the … Read more
Rory Nathan
University of Melbourne
Rory is a Professor at the University of Melbourne and has over 40 years’ experience in engineering and environmental hydrology, mostly in industry, and now focuses his time on research and teaching… Read more
Danny Rose
Floodplain Management Australia
Danny is the Technical Director for Floodplain Management Australia, with over ten years experience in the fields of floodplain management, asset management, and infrastructure planning. Danny has bee… Read more
James Weidmann
Water Technology
James has considerable experience and expertise in the areas of water engineering, air quality, contaminated land and environmental management. At Water Technology, James specialises in flooding and d… Read more
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