I currently work at Camden Council as the Team Leader Floodplain Management, and I manage grant funded flood studies, floodplain risk management plans and associated projects. In general, it is my responsibility to manage stormwater and development in the floodplain across the LGA, and in particular develop strategies for the Integrated Water Cycle Management in the South West Growth Area Precincts development.
In 2013 one of my projects, ‘Holistic Water Cycle Management in South West Growth Centre (SWGC) by managing the Water Cycle Strategies of individual SWGC precincts in Camden LGA,’ received the Stormwater Industry Association’s State Award for Excellence in Strategic or Master Planning for Camden Council in partnership with Cardno.
Before working in Councils, I worked on contamination remediation at the Olympic Site, Homebush for three years, in preparation for the Sydney Olympics 2000, converting contaminated wasteland into parklands and playgrounds, under Waste NSW. It was a memorable experience in a field setting, with contributions from interdisciplinary and international teams.
I have over 35 years of experience, as a professional engineer in the areas of Structural Engineering, Water Engineering, Numerical Modelling, Project Management, Environmental Management, Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Local Government Engineering, Floodplain, Stormwater Management and Land Use Planning.
I am a fellow of Engineers Australia, and for nineteen years I have served as a member of the interviewing panel for the Chartered Professional Engineers. I am also serving in the Western Sydney University Student Advisory Committee, and in the panel to assess the Certificate of Candidature of PhD and Master’s in engineering students. I have been teaching hydrology and hydraulics to engineering students as a part-time academic at the Western Sydney University for the past eight years and I have been supervising the final year engineering projects of students in collaboration with the Council. I have presented 20 papers at State, Inter-State and International conferences on hydrology, hydraulics, floodplain management and environmental management. The last few international conferences where I presented papers were in Prague (2016) at the IUCD (co-authored), Sicily (2018) at the UDM and New Zealand (2019) at the RCEM.
A personal note: I like travelling in Australia and overseas. I enjoyed meeting, my husband, son and daughter after conferences, and exploring places of interest. Now, I miss this, and have replaced them with virtual conferences, virtual travelling, gardening and cooking a variety of dishes.
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