I am an Environmental scientist specialising in fluvial geomorphology and waterway management. I’m also a daughter, sister, wife, mum of two and a yoga enthusiast. Some of my favourite childhood memories involve swimming in the Bega River, and I think these times led me to my vocation in life.
I have been with Sydney Water for almost 7 years and am currently the Program Lead for Hawkesbury-Nepean and Wianamatta-South Creek Modeling. I have used this and previous roles to educate on the significance of whole of flow-regime management and the development of tools to enable such an approach. I see this as a critical nexus between caring for our environment, securing our water supply and delivering liveable cities for the community.
One of my key roles as a Stormwater NSW Committee member is to advocate both for the industry and for the outcomes that we work towards. I believe the Stormwater Industry is uniquely positioned to play a key role in delivering the strategic vision for the future of our region and beyond. I’m focusing on developing relationships and educating those in adjacent fields to expand their understanding of where stormwater fits into our cities today and in the future.
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