How Right is my Site? Challenges and Opportunities in Erosion & Sediment Control Webinar
Registration Now Open!
Stormwater NSW is hosting a free-to-members webinar on the current state of erosion & sediment control in NSW.
Hear from leading practitioners on the importance of good erosion and sediment control practice from planning and consent conditions through to enforcement and education.
The seminar will examine current issues as well as opportunities to move towards best practice erosion & sediment control.
Member Rate: Free Attendance
Non Member Rate: $50.00
Who Should Attend This Webinar?
This webinar is targeted towards those involved in any and all aspects of erosion & sediment control such as consultants, local councils, state agencies, builders / developers and suppliers / manufacturers.
Kate Balding, Environment Health Officer – Soil & Water, Shoalhaven City Council
Kate is an Environmental Health Officer with Shoalhaven City Council with responsibility for erosion and sediment control. As well as overseeing all site inspections and follow-up actions, Kate has conducted close to 600 site inspections last financial year alone. In a role where ongoing regulation and industry connections can often be strained, Kate has not only built a positive relationship with the construction industry, she is working to influence the approach of other regulators in the industry.
Kate will discuss her role in implementing a proactive erosion and sediment control program in the Shoalhaven in which she has achieved a compliance rate well above the state average and educated the local building industry on environmental harm. Kate will discuss the balancing of education and enforcement, building relationships with builders and developers, and the importance of networks, regional partnerships and collaboration.
Kel Sanson, Senior Environmental Consultant
Kel is a senior environmental consultant and certified professional in erosion and sediment control (CPESC) with the consultants SEEC. He has over 18 years experience in on-ground construction environmental management and regulation, working across a wide range of construction sites from large infrastructure projects to residential subdivisions. Kel now conducts E&SC training and audits for local council and state agency regulators.
Kel will introduce his three rules for erosion & sediment control as well as outline trends from recent council and project audits. Kel will discuss the key challenges and future directions in erosion & sediment control.
More Presenters to be Announced Soon!
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